If you've been studying or experimenting with Human Design for a while, you may have wondered about the arrows at the top of a Human Design bodygraph — maybe you've felt curious hearing people speak about an Environment experiment, or their "Receptive Mind" — or perhaps you've tried to make sense of it and found that existing materials don’t provide you the context, support, depth, or structure you need to truly understand...

explore the depths of our differentiation in a small group with the support of a trained educator

Human Design

in Color

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Human Design in Color is a guided journey through

The Four Transformations: Determination,

Environment, View, and Motivation.

Led by Allyson Forseth (trained educator & facilitator, 5/1 Projector, and advanced Human Design Guide), HD in Color is specifically designed to shine light on this transformational substructure.

You will be supported in building a solid, in-context foundation and Source-based understanding of The Four Transformations with space to reflect, share, and learn in community. You will also learn skills to help you “deconstruct” the keynotes to better understand them in real life (for yourself, your loved ones, or your clients).

For most, this program provides a guided opportunity to witness and accept deeper parts of the self not visible on the surface of the bodygraph. In addition to lectures in each lesson, weekly in-depth group discussions, personal shares, reflection opportunities, and differentiated materials/activities deepen understanding.

This course is perfect for those who are in their experiment, quite well-versed in foundational concepts, and ready for the next level of their Human Design journey.

What if you could spend less time searching, "what do the arrows mean in human design," and/or digging through scraps of questionable information in blog posts… and start saying, "Ohhh, I get it now!" because you can finally see how Variable & Color fit in the big picture of who we are?

WEEK ONE: Laying a Foundation

Friday, March 17, 2023

Create context for substructure & build on prior knowledge.

WEEK TWO: Determination

Friday, March 24, 2023

The unique way we are meant to nourish our physical being.

WEEK THREE: Environment

Friday, March 31, 2023

The environment that nurtures our unique form.

WEEK FOUR: Integration / Q&A

Friday, April 7, 2023

Get your questions answered & connect with community.

WEEK FIVE: Perspective (View)

Friday, April 14, 2023

The lens through which we see the world.

WEEK SIX: Motivation

Friday, April 21, 2023

How we conceptualize what we take in.

WEEK SEVEN: Integration / Q&A

Friday, April 28, 2023

Get your questions answered & connect with community.

WEEK EIGHT: Review, Synthesis, and Discussion

Friday, May 5, 2023

Bring it all together & practice.

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Content Overview with Dates

It was sooo good!!! You are a FABULOUS teacher!!! Like it all clicked so quickly and easily for me!! And I have been trying to understand this for a long time! I am amazed by this course, the content, the resources, the organization… Like I am beyond impressed. Truly!!!

[ S.G. 3/5 Splenic Projector, Quad Right ]

I did this fabulous training on Variable with Allyson, and it was mind-blowing for three reasons: 1. because Allyson is a great teacher, 2. I loved the group, 3. and because this information helps us better understand why we feel most comfortable in, for example, a certain environment.

[ J.D. 6/2 Sacral Generator, PLR DLR ]

I could not recommend it more! I learned so much about myself and the 4 Transformations (obviously), but it also helped me deepen how I understood EVERYTHING about HD in general. If you're looking for the next level of your HD journey, you must check it out! So. Much. More. than "just" a course!

[ R.A. 2/5 Emotional Manifestor, Quad Left ]

THAT WAS AMAZING!! I learned so much. in such an easeful way. Thank you! So excited for more 🤩 I'm also so grateful for how you guided and led the process of realization for us and held space. You never made me feel, "I'm doing it wrong."

[ R.O. 2/5 Emotional M. Generator, Quad Right ]


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I need to say; I absolutely LOVE the structured way in which this is organized. I actually feel myself being about to absorb and study way better. I've been trying to learn all aspects of HD by doing it myself (which was working out just fine) but a lot of the times I couldn't make myself study the materials that I had. In the way that it's structured now, it's going waaay better. This quad left is thriving 😂🤩

[ K.R. 6/2 Emotional Generator, Quad Left ]

It's really something to feel it happen: you've figured out how to really support the whole, and I'm [mindblown emoji] 🤯

It genuinely felt so nourishing and honored and supported. As a Manifestor, I cannot tell you how freeing that feels. You just exude this TLC all the way through...

Can't say enough how much I love this course with you..

The work you've put into it can be felt. It's palpable.

[ T.F Emotional Manifestor ]

There are so many people that don't know jack sh*t what they're saying with this, and just in ONE class with you, I have learned more than I did throughout my entire mastermind. This is awesome! I love the way that you teach.

[ L.P. 2/4 Sacral Generator, PLL DRL ]

I really transformed a lot with the help of your course

and really allowing myself to come into myself.

[ S.S. 1/3 Emotional Manifesting Generator, PLL DRR ]

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  • Six Live*, Interactive Teaching Calls (75-90 minutes each)
    • Lessons are led by Allyson, a trained educator, experienced facilitator & advanced-level Human Design Guide.
    • Content is based on original teachings & material by Ra Uru Hu—designed to be comprehensible & digestible.
    • Fun, engaging, varied learning activities will support retention and application.
    • Group discussions and personal share opportunities will deepen understanding.
    • *Calls are on Fridays (Central US). Live attendance encouraged. Recordings available.
  • Two Live Q&A Calls
    • There will be two weeks off from the new content / teaching calls to support integration and deeper learning. During each of those weeks, a Q&A call will be held where you can join to get your questions answered by Allyson and continue discussion with classmates.
  • One Beautifully Designed 59-page Reference Guide to Color/Variable
    • Useful, need-to-know information is paired with eye-catching, carefully-selected designs to strengthen mental connections to the material. Guide is filled with quick keynotes to reference, as well as quotes by Ra Uru Hu.
  • Additional Reading & Learning Materials
    • Two “quick references” to The 4 Transformations with everything in one place
    • Bonus Materials: Downloadable PDF copies of Source Material:
      • Radical Transformations: The Four Lectures by Ra Uru Hu
      • Colors by Ra Uru Hu
      • The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life by Ra Uru Hu
      • The 32 Nodal Environments by Ra Uru Hu
    • Fillable notes sheet for locating and orienting to each of the 4 Transformations
    • Additional study tools: flashcards for studying & quizzes to test your knowledge!


to see more feedback and shares from the program, check out my HD in Color IG highlight

You can pay in one, two, or three installments, and there is no up-charge for the payment plans. Seats for this small-group program are limited.



Hello! I am a 5/1 Emotional Projector, teacher, guide, mentor, and facilitator. I found Human Design in 2018, on the brink of some big life changes. My work is in universalizing: differentiating education and one-on-one support to meet the very different needs of humans. (And as a former high school Spanish teacher and 5/1, I have lots of experience doing exactly that!) I love teaching and guiding clients with Human Design, and I am passionate about engaging, accessible, co-created learning opportunities. My 17-62 shines in "translating" complex ideas for better understanding, creatively synthesizing details, and creating organized visual resources to support others.

Variable has quickly become my favorite part of Human Design to share and study (also known as PHS and Rave Psychology). I spent years feeling like I only had bits and pieces of the Variable "puzzle" before things finally came together for my 1st Line. I'm honored to have been invited to offer this course that provides for others the foundation I needed years ago.

I believe that our expansion and transformation lie within our own ability to recognize and accept (even love) our limitations—not to "fix" or change who we are. When I am not studying HD or guiding/teaching clients, I work in the field of nonprofit behavioral/mental health.

In my free time, I enjoy learning, yoga, travel, digital design, thrift shopping, walks, volunteering as a mentor, taking baths, and scouring my city for vegan baked goods

I live in downtown Madison, Wisconsin with my 7-year-old adopted English Bulldog Randy. I have always dreamt of living in the Southwestern US and hold out hope for an eventual move.


WEEK ONE: Laying a Foundation

Friday, March 17, 2023

  • Where does Variable come from?
  • Leftness and Rightness
  • Overview: The Four Transformations
  • The Six Colors

WEEK TWO: Determination

Friday, March 24, 2023

  • Active or Passive Brain
  • Conditions and Circumstances
  • The 6 Determinations (Appetite, Taste, Thirst, Touch, Sound, Light)

WEEK THREE: Environment

Friday, March 31, 2023

  • Observed or Observer
  • Hardscapes and Landscapes
  • The 6 Environments (Caves, Markets, Kitchens, Mountains, Valleys, Shores)

WEEK FOUR: Integration with Q&A

Friday, April 7, 2023

Get your questions answered & connect with community.

WEEK FIVE: Perspective (View)

Friday, April 14, 2023

  • Focused or Peripheral
  • Outer Authority
  • The 6 Views (Survival, Possibility, Power, Wanting, Probability, Personal)
  • Distraction

WEEK SIX: Motivation

Friday, April 21, 2023

  • Strategic or Receptive Mind
  • Outer Authority
  • The 6 Motivations (Fear, Hope, Desire, Need, Guilt, Innocence)
  • Transference

WEEK SEVEN: Integration with Q&A

Friday, April 28, 2023

Get your questions answered & connect with community.

WEEK 8: Review, Synthesize, Discuss

Friday, May 5, 2023

Bring it all together & practice with review activities, synthesis, and discussion.

  • How much Human Design should I know before HD in Color?
    • Only you know if this is right for you—listen to your Authority. In terms of knowledge & preparedness, I suggest this course for those who are…
      • comfortable following their Strategy and Authority most of the time
      • well-versed in foundational and intermediate Human Design concepts, most importantly the six Lines of the Hexagram (i.e. the Profile Lines).
      • ready to explore another level beyond the surface of Human Design.
      • interested in Source Material (even if you don’t love it).
  • Will you run this again? I want to join the next round!
    • It makes me happy to hear that you’re interested! I want to be clear that I’m not totally positive what a “next round” will look like—or if there will be one for sure. I do know that I love teaching and guiding in this program. If the timing doesn’t work, though, feel free to put your name on the waitlist so that you don’t miss a possible future round :)
  • When will the calls be?
    • Calls are on Fridays, and specific dates are listed in the content overview!
    • Times may vary slightly but will typically be at 1:00pm Central US time (evening time in Africa and Europe, early morning Saturday in Australia).
  • Does this course provide in-depth knowledge, or is it more basic?
    • “In-depth” is definitely subjective, so here are my initial thoughts to help you determine:
      • Each lesson is 75-90 minutes, which means we talk about each Transformation for that long! In that way, it's much more in depth than, for example, reading a blog post, watching a 5min video, or skimming some written information about it. Part of that time is discussing personal experiences, and that provides much more depth than a lecture could ever offer.
      • In addition to the live sessions, there is also suggested "bonus" material from Ra Uru Hu -- and Q&A calls included to dig deeper as you integrate and study.
      • I really focus on helping you understand how the six Colors are intricately related to each other and to the Lines of the Hexagram (Profile Lines). This approach creates a rich, deep, contextualized foundation that isn't typically provided elsewhere.
      • All that to say - I’m a 5/1, and this course is very in-depth by most standards!
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Qs & As for Inquisitive Minds